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Displaying 2281 - 2292 of 2618

Information interoperability and interdisciplinarity: the BIM approach from SEEMPubS project to DIMMER project

Peer-reviewed publication
Diciembre, 2013

Design, implementation and management constitute the cornerstones of the building process and the current trend, albeit still at an embryonic state in Italy, is represented by the application of a problem-solving approach combining integrated analysis and research between interdisciplinary professionals able to integrate their know-how and experience.

L’interconnessione dei registri europei della proprietà immobiliare: il caso italiano e spagnolo a confronto

Peer-reviewed publication
Junio, 2017

La necessità che le informazioni detenute dai Registri Immobiliari possano liberamente circolare all’interno dello spazio dell’Unione rappresenta un obiettivo prioritario nell’ambito della strategia delineata dal Consiglio UE in materia di giustizia elettronica europea 2014-2018, la quale prevede di incentrare l’azione “sulla interconnessione dei registri che presentino un interesse per i cittadini, le imprese, gli operatori della giustizia e i magistrati”.

Theoretical concepts "land management process", "land management procedure" and their relationships

Peer-reviewed publication
Agosto, 2017

The state significance of land management activities is manifested in those legal consequences that arise after the issuance of land management documentation and are conditioned by the need to secure unsupported land rights and the use and protection of land in a state-guaranteed manner.

The empirical experience for a comparison between land value and market value: the case of Milan

Peer-reviewed publication
Junio, 2014

The project evaluates the quality of the cadastral classification of the city of Milan determined by an index of the deviation between the value of the land and the most likely market value of immovable property. The processing was done on the whole building cadastral ordinary stock (categories A0* and C0*) consisting of more than 1,200,000 urban immovable properties.

The Citadel of Alessandria: Values and strategies involved in the process of releasing from the public ownership

Peer-reviewed publication
Junio, 2015

The issues concerning the valorization of assets state property, their management and financial rebalancing through a careful policy of disposals and growth of profitability. These dynamics, through the grant or lease to third parties, have been expanding and pay increasing attention to issues of public finance. A radical change of perspective has started in the evaluation of the role of asset management in the field of local authorities. The heritage is no longer considered static, but dynamic; it is gained as a strategic asset in the overall financial management.

“Economic heritage impact assessment” come strumento per valutare gli impatti dei grandi progetti di riqualificazione delle città costiere siti Unesco. Il caso studio di Torre Annunziata nel golfo di Napoli

Peer-reviewed publication
Diciembre, 2015

Quest’articolo parte dallo studio delle città portuali storiche, siti UNESCO, che oggi affrontano la sfida della riqualificazione dei waterfront urbani attraverso la conservazione del patrimonio culturale e paesaggistico. Le raccomandazioni sull’ “Historic Urban Landscape”, e gli strumenti operativi promossi dall’ICOMOS “Guidance on Heritage Impact Assessments for Cultural World Heritage Properties” del 2011, si configurano come le più recenti disposizioni concernenti la conservazione, protezione e valorizzazione del patrimonio culturale (Fusco Girard, 2010).

La procedura partecipativa nella stima dell’indennità di esproprio. Un modello logico-estimativo per l’applicazione dell’art. 21 del DPR 327/01

Peer-reviewed publication
Junio, 2013

Lo studio illustra le modalità applicative della procedura prevista per il Collegio tecnico ex art. 21 del T.U. sulle espropriazioni, utile a quantificare l’indennità definitiva di esproprio. Attraverso il confronto
con altri strumenti di risoluzione delle controversie, alternativi al percorso giurisdizionale, e con specifica attenzione alle problematiche estimative, la ricerca produce un protocollo utile per la razionalizzazione della procedura e per la condivisibilità dei risultati raggiunti dalla stima operata.


Peer-reviewed publication
Agosto, 2017

At the present stage of development of land relations in major cities of our country important issue is the development of investment, attract and use foreign investment.

According to the Law of Ukraine "On investment activity" under the investment necessary to understand "all types of property and intellectual values invested in business and other activities, which resulted in creating profit (income) or social effect is achieved."

Analyzing migration phenomena with spatial autocorrelation techniques

Peer-reviewed publication
Diciembre, 2013

In less than one century, Italy has tested a strong intensification of immigration changing from a country originating great migration flows to a country which is the destination of migration flows. The
aim of this paper is to examine foreign immigration in Italy distinguishing according to nationality of foreigners.
The spatial dimension of migration flows has been analyzed in this paper using Spatial Autocorrelation techniques and more particularly Local Indicators of Spatial Association in order to analyze the highest


Peer-reviewed publication
Octubre, 2016

In this article studied the experience of Western countries concerning collection
of property taxes and defines the peculiarities of foreign real estate taxation to improve
the efficiency of collecting the aforementioned taxes in Ukraine taking into account
the economic interests of the state and taxpayers. Defined problems of taxation of real
estate in Ukraine and outlined prospects for their solution.