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Environmental Permitting (England and Wales) Regulations 2010 (S.I. 675 of 2010).

Reino Unido
Europa septentrional

These Regulations provide a system for permitting specified environmentally significant operations, a system of consenting of water discharges, a groundwater permitting system and a system of radioactive substances regulation. They provide for the implementation of EU legislation in the field of, among other things, integrated pollution prevention and control, waste management and landfill, water policy, groundwater protection and radioactivity.

Heather and Grass etc. Burning (Wales) Regulations 2008 (W.S.I. No. 1081 (W. 115) of 2008).

Reino Unido
Europa septentrional

These Regulations concern the control of the burning of heather, rough grass, bracken, gorse and vaccinium. The Regulations prohibit burners from starting burns between sunset and sunrise, and require them to ensure that there are sufficient persons and equipment to control burns and to take all reasonable precautions to prevent injury or damage arising from burns. The Regulations also prohibit burning without a licence outside the “burning season”.

Resolution of the Council of Ministers No. 53/2010 approving the Regional Land Use Planning of Alentejo.

Europa meridional

This Resolution of the Council of Ministers, consisting of 21 articles, approves the Regional Land Use Planning of Alentejo (in the Annex), which specifies terms and conditions to be satisfied in order to perform any activity related with environmental planning, disaster preparedness, touristic areas, waste disposal, protected areas, etc.

Environment Protection Act (No. 1757 of 2006).

Europa septentrional

The Act ensures nature and environment are protected so that society can develop on a sustainable basis for human, animal and animal living conditions. It applies to the regulation of all kind of pollution and aims to approve environmentally friendly procedures in the production and disposal of products (solid, liquid or gaseous substances) which may be contaminate air, water or soil.

Decree amending the Decree on requirements for the landfill of waste.

República Checa
Europa oriental

This Decree lays down some amendments to the Decree on requirements for the landfill of waste. In particular, the present Decree lays down technical requirements for landfills and conditions of their use (originally specified in art. 3 of the amended Decree) and general technical requirements and conditions for the use of waste on the ground surface (art. 12).

Implements: Wastes Act. (2001-05-15)
Amends: Decree on requirements for the landfill of waste. (2005-07-11)

Environment Act 2008 (No. 10 of 2008).

África austral

This Act makes provision for the conservation and management of the environment and the sustainable use of natural resources in Lesotho.The Act consists of 116 sections divided into 16 Parts: Preliminary (I); General Principles (II); Institutional Arrangements (III); Environmental Planning (IV); Environmental Impact Assessment, Audits and Monitoring (V); Environmental Quality Standards (VI); Pollution Control (VII); Spill and Environmental Emergency (VIII); Environmental Management (IX); Environmental Restoration Notice and Order (X); Inspection and Record (XI); International Environmental

Règlement grand-ducal du 21 juillet 2009 déterminant a) les conditions d’aménagement et d’exploitation visant l’environnement humain et naturel, telles que la protection de l’air, de l’eau, du sol, de la faune et de la flore, la lutte contre les vibrat...

Europa occidental

Le présent règlement grand-ducal détermine les conditions d’aménagement et d’exploitation visant l’environnement humain et naturel, telles que la protection de l’air, de l’eau, du sol, de la faune et de la flore, la lutte contre les vibrations, l’utilisation rationnelle de l’énergie, la prévention et la gestion des déchets. Notamment, l’annexe I comporte un résumé non technique du dossier de demande concernant l’antenne ferroviaire Belval-Usines – Belvaux-Mairie ainsi qu’un relevé des éléments concernés.

Decree No. 35 of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection validating the form of reports of sample selection and measurements of environmental indices.

Europa oriental

This Decree validates the forms of reports of sample selection and measurements of environmental indices related to emissions to the atmospheric air from stationary and mobile sources, effluent waste water discharge to surface waterbodies, sources of pollution of groundwater, effluent waste water discharge to sewerage system, soil pollution and waste disposal sites.

Local Government Act 2003 (Act No. 32 of 2003).

África oriental

This Act makes provision for the establishment of local authorities, provides for functions and powers of such authorities and for other matters related to local authorities such as the cadastral database and the granting of permits and licenses.Local authorities shall have various functions in the field of control of local matters including control of food, aquaculture and agricultural operations. Section 40 defines the purposes of local authorities. They include the promotion of the environment.

Decision No. 87/2008/QD-TTg approving the master plan on socio-economic development of Nam Dinh province up to 2020.

Viet Nam
Asia sudoriental

This Decision approves the master plan on the socio-economic development of Nam Dinh province.The plan aims at developing Nam Dinh into a province with a high economic development ensuring economic growth, hunger eradication, and the rational exploitation and utilization of natural resources.The plan shall include: the development of agriculture, forestry and fishery; development of plant varieties; animal husbandry development; development of aquatic and marine resources; urban development; development of water supply infrastructures and wastewater drainage systems.

Decision No. 71/2007/QD-TTg approving the up-to-2020 master plan on socio-economic development of An Giang Province.

Viet Nam
Asia sudoriental

This Decision approves the master plan on the socio-economic development of An Giang province.The plan aims at developing An Giang province into an open economic zone between the Mekong river delta provinces and Cambodia as well as other ASEAN countries, and to develop economy in association with protection of natural resources and environment.

Loi n°2015-004 du 21 janvier 2015 relative aux Collectivités Territoriales Décentralisées à statut particulier.

África oriental

La présente loi comporte trois cent vingt sept (327) articles, et est constituée sept (7) titres, notamment) De la délimitation, de la dénomination et des chefs-lieux des Collectivités territoriales décentralisées (Titre I); Des attributions des organes des Collectivités territoriales décentralisées (Titre II); De l’organisation et du fonctionnement des Collectivités territoriales décentralisées (Titre III); De la responsabilité civile des Collectivités territoriales décentralisées (Titre IV); Du budget et des ressources des Collectivités territoriales décentralisées (Titre V); Des élection