Após a "corrida pela terra" em 2007/08, pesquisadores(as) e a sociedade civil investigaram a velocidade e a escala deste fenômeno ou destacaram estudos de casos isolados. 15 anos depois, as comunidades que perderam suas casas na corrida pela terra continuam lutando por seus direitos e obtêm apoio…
Tanzania’s youth population (defined as women and men between the ages of 15 and 35) constitutes about 35% of the country’s population. In Tanzania, youth engagement in agriculture is considered vital, given that youth form the largest part of the population and labour force in the country. However…
Photo: Landesa (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 DEED)
La population jeune de Tanzanie (définie comme les femmes et les hommes âgés de 15 à 35 ans) constitue environ 35 % de la population du pays. En Tanzanie, l'engagement des jeunes dans l'agriculture est considéré comme vital, étant donné que les jeunes…
Lucas Yamat and Pablo Manzano
The future of Ngorongoro has been the subject of hot debate among various stakeholders following a proposal by the government of Tanzania to relocate pastoralists from the district in order to conserve this important World Heritage site.
The proposal is based on…
Over the last 20 years in Tanzania, conflict has escalated between communities and foreign investors over land rights and land-based investments. Here, Masalu Luhula discusses how the use of simplified legal guides is helping to empower communities to engage in dialogue and negotiations with…
This is our former Country Insights digest, now re-branded What to Read to make justice to its content.
In the wake of increasing media attention to climate change impacts and rising sea levels, African metropoles, such as Lagos, have slowly moved into focus. That said, urban African…
Este é nosso antigo "Country Insights digest", agora rebatizado como O Que Ler para fazer jus ao seu conteúdo.
Com o aumento da atenção da mídia aos impactos da mudança climática e da elevação do nível do mar, as metrópoles africanas, como Lagos, foram lentamente se tornando um foco. Dito isto…
Este es nuestro antiguo Boletín Perspectivas País, ahora rebautizado como Qué leer (What to Read) para hacer justicia a su contenido.
A raíz de la creciente atención que los medios de comunicación prestan a los efectos del cambio climático y a la subida del nivel del mar, las metrópolis…
Il s'agit de notre ancien condensé Country Insights, en français, aperçus des pays désormais rebaptisé "What to Read" (ce qu'il faut lire, en français) pour rendre justice à son contenu.
Dans le sillage de l'attention croissante portée par les médias aux impacts du changement climatique et à l'…
In this new blog series Practitioners’ Perspectives: Responding to the Challenges of Land-Based Investment Governance, we invite rights defenders and practitioners to reflect on their strategies to push for more responsible and sustainable investments, on why and how they have developed them,…
It’s that time of year again! March means International Women’s Day and the annual meeting of the UN Commission on the Status of Women. It’s not surprising, after COP26 in Glasgow, that this year’s CSW66 links gender equality with climate change. The official theme is ‘achieving gender equality and…
C'est à nouveau la période de l'année ! Mars est synonyme de journée internationale de la femme et de réunion annuelle de la Commission des Nations unies sur le statut de la femme. Il n'est pas surprenant, après la COP26 à Glasgow, que la CSW66 de cette année lie l'égalité des sexes au changement…